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12 Things You May Be Doing Wrong in Your Job Search

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1) Only applying to positions where you meet 100% of the qualifications and not going after other roles because you're missing 1-2 requirements.

2) Applying to jobs using the same resume every time.

3) Letting fear of failure and fear of uncertainty stop you from taking action in your career and job hunt.

4) Not following up with your network after meetings and conversations, and not circling back after they've given you advice or next steps.

5) Taking time to join networking events, meet other job seekers, but you are doing so with a bad attitude, negative vibes, or complaining about your situation.

6) Seeing yourself as someone a company should take a chance on, instead of recognizing the unique and specific value you bring to the positions you desire.

7) Struggling with common interview questions like "Tell me about yourself" and, "What's your greatest weakness?"

8) Assuming because you landed an interview you will also get the job and not adequately preparing to stand out in the interview.

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9) Assuming a thank you note doesn't matter and not going the extra mile to send one after an interview. 

10) Being so desperate for a new position that you don't take the time to consider exactly what you'd like to do in your next role. 

11) Telling your network that you're looking for new opportunities without specifically letting them know what you'd like to do next. 

12) Not recognizing when you need expert guidance from a career coach to get faster results in your career and job search.

In conclusion, your job search journey is filled with opportunities for growth and improvement. By recognizing and addressing these common pitfalls, you can elevate your approach and increase your chances of success.

Computer Coach offers internationally recognized IT, Project Management, and Business certification training that leads to job security, higher incomes, and promotion opportunities. Classes meet in instructor-led or live online training formats. Both full-time and part-time programs are available. If you are looking for computer training classes reach out to Computer Coach and let one of our Certified Career Coaches discuss which training programs or certifications can help you.


About Computer Coach

Computer Coach is a trusted and experienced technology training and career development center, providing comprehensive and customized training solutions to empower individuals and companies to succeed in the rapidly evolving tech industry. With a focus on both hard skills and soft skills development, our personalized approach sets us apart in the market, making us the preferred training partner for tech talent nationwide.

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Tampa, Florida 33614

(813) 947-0552

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Please note: Not all courses on our site are under the purview of the Florida Commission for Independent Education (CIE). 

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