Free Job Placement Resources for
IT and Business Professionals

Welcome to your ultimate destination for free job placement resources in Tampa! At Computer Coach, we are dedicated to helping job seekers like you find success in your career journey. At Computer Coach, our career training helps individuals add on the skills they need to land the jobs they want, but one of the services that sets us apart is our job placement department. Our comprehensive set of resources helps individuals learn how to find the job they want.  We equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to land your dream job in Tampa's competitive job market. We've listed below some of the resources our customers have access to. These resources are free for your use. We often get asked, "why do you give away so much incredible information for free?" The answer is simple, we are committed to our community and to watching it grow and flourish. We know these resources are impressive, but we also know our students have access to even more....  If you are interested in adding on tech skills, certifications or starting a new career then we encourage you to schedule a free career strategy session to learn more about how Computer Coach has helped 1000's of individuals with their defined career success.  


Access our library of recorded webinars featuring industry Computer Coach and industry experts who share insights on job search strategies, resume building, interview techniques, and the tech industry.


Stay informed with our regularly updated articles covering the latest trends in the Tampa and Florida job market, tips for career advancement, and advice on navigating the job seeker framework.


Dive deep into our collection of whitepapers, offering in-depth analysis and actionable strategies for job seekers in various industries or those looking to learn about career success strategies.


Tune into our Tech Success Network podcast where we discuss career success stories, interview HR professionals, Talent Acquisition professionals, recruiters and more to provide valuable insider tips and tricks on  job search and career success strategies. Stay up to day, so you can stay ahead of the curve. 

Career Strategy

Enhance your skills with our comprehensive computer training classes. Upskilling is the key to success in today’s job market, and our courses are designed to help you stay competitive and marketable. We offer a free career strategy session, so you can make an informed decision about your training. 

Our Alumni Network

One of the many exclusive perks Computer Coach students enjoy is access to our Alumni Network. Connect with our thriving alumni network who have benefited from our resources and are now excelling in their career journey. Connect for mentorship, study groups, job leads, and more. 

Live Events

Discover the dynamic live events hosted by Computer Coach! Join us for engaging sessions where we delve into career success stories, interview HR professionals, talent acquisition experts, recruiters, and more. Gain invaluable insider tips and tricks on job search strategies and career advancement. Stay connected and stay ahead of the curve with  Computer Coach. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes Computer Coach's Job Search Resources better?

Located in the heart of Tampa, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities of the local job market. Our resources are tailored specifically to meet the needs of Tampa job seekers, providing you with the support and guidance you need to succeed.

Start your job search journey with us and take advantage of our free, high-quality resources designed to help you land your next job in Tampa. Whether you're a recent graduate, a seasoned professional, or someone looking to make a career change, our comprehensive job placement resources are here to support you every step of the way.

How hard is it to find a job in Tampa?

Finding a job in Tampa can vary depending on several factors, including your industry, skill set, and level of experience. However, Tampa's job market is generally favorable, with opportunities across various sectors.  At Computer Coach, our students have access to our Career Services Department which partners with local employers to learn about job opportunities available in technology and business.  

If these resources are free, how does Computer Coach stay in business?

Thanks for asking. We appreciate your concern. At Computer Coach we provide career training and certification training classes for a variety of IT and Business careers. One of the support services we offer is job placement. We provide some of our resources to the public for free as a service to help our community grow. We believe in being a rising tide. Together we will all thrive! Enhance your skills with our comprehensive computer training classes. Upskilling is the key to success in today’s job market, and our courses are designed to help you stay competitive and marketable.

Will you review my resume or LinkedIn?

At Computer Coach, our job placement specialists are hard at work with our customers, so we don't provide resume or LinkedIn review as a service to the public. We do offer free career strategy sessions, with a Certified Career Coach, and from time-to-time we offer resume review, mock interviewing and LinkedIn review open to the public. Sign up for a career strategy session and follow us on Eventbrite to learn more about all of Computer Coach's events that are free and open to the public. 

What computer training classes does Computer Coach offer?

Computer Coach offers 13 career training programs for careers in Tech or Business. We also offer a variety of certification preparation and upskilling courses. To learn more about how our programs or courses can help you in your career journey request more information. 

Can I request a specific topic to be covered in your webinars or articles?

We would love to hear from you! Send us a note with your suggestions. Also, we offer free live Career and Job Seeker Success Q&A Sessions.  Follow us on Eventbrite to learn about any new events we are hosting. 

corporate headquarters

5005 N. Hesperides Street
Tampa, Florida 33614

(813) 947-0552

Computer Coach Training Center Logo

Please note: Not all courses on our site are under the purview of the Florida Commission for Independent Education (CIE). 

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