Maintaining Job Search Resilience: A Panel Discussion

Facing challenges in your job search? Join our panel discussion, "Maintaining Resilience in Your Job Search," to gain strategies for staying motivated and overcoming setbacks. Hear from technology professionals Maria Vanessa Moreno, Christian Higgins, and Talent Acquisition Professional, Alyssa Nichols as they share insights on building resilience, adapting to the job market, and networking effectively. Whether you're a recent graduate or experienced professional, this webinar will empower you to stay focused and push forward in your job search.

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What is an LLM? Unraveling Large Language Models

Ever felt like the rules of the job search game are changing while you're playing by the book? Join our insightful webinar with guest speaker Kathy Lansford-Powell, a trusted job search pro. She'll unveil insider tactics to get past the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and land your resume in the hands of a person.

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